Two anaerobic digestion (AD) plants developed by Wega Group Oy (Wega) and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP), through its CI Advanced Bioenergy Fund I (CI ABF I), are progressing. Land reservation agreements have been signed with the municipalities of Nivala and Pöytyä, enabling the development of the AD plants to enter the next phase. Each plant is expected to produce ~150 GWh of liquefied biomethane p.a.
The land reserved for the AD project in Nivala is located in Kurunpuhto, a new industrial area being built, which is suitable for companies in the bio- and circular economy sectors. The plant will use manure and other agricultural waste streams as raw materials. The planned processing capacity is expected to be +400,000 tons p.a., with a production expected to reach ~150 GWh p.a. In addition, biogenic CO2 will be produced at site, which potentially could be used for the production of e-methane.
Within the framework of the cooperation agreement published by Wega and CI ABF I in the summer, the development of an AD plant has also been started in Pöytyä in the Southwestern Finland. The reserved land is located in the immediate vicinity of the Lalli industrial area, north of the Riihikoski urban area. The plant is intended to receive +300,000 tons of manure and other waste streams from the agriculture- and food industry. By treating manure in a biogas plant, Wega and CI ABF I intend to contribute to the reduction of the nutrient exposure in the Baltic Sea, improve the nutrient efficiency of Southwestern Finland and produce green molecules which can be used in the transportation sector.

For further information, please contact:
Andreas F. Brandt, Partner – CI Advanced Bioenergy Fund I, Phone: +45 2052 8754, Email:
Niko Ristikankare, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Phone: +358 50 347 2528, Email:
Toni Hemminki, Partner and Chief Operating Officer, Phone: +358 40 668 4441, Email: